Water white color UNINOX K 15 widely used as polyester promoters.


UNINOX Cu 10 N and UNINOX Zn 08 N widely used as fungicides and wood preservatives.

Waterborne UNINOX Grade Paint Driers

Due to strong environmental legislation to reduce Volatile Organic Content (VOC) in Paint, excellent water reducible resins with very low VOC content are now being used by Paint manufacturers. Today Pau Tai based on their Innovative Technology on Metal Carboxylate developed UNINOX grade driers specifically designed for the curing of waterborne Paints and Coatings.

UNINOX Co 06WD is a water dispersible metal carboxylate containing 6% cobalt metal. UNINOX Co 06WD is developed to catalyze the oxidative cure for waterborne resins and hence acts as “Surface” drier for waterborne resins. Recommended starting point concentration is 0.10-0.15% metal/binder.

UNINOX Mn 06WD is a water dispersible metal carboxylate containing 6% manganese metal. UNINOX Mn 06WD is developed to catalyze the oxidative cure for waterborne resins and hence acts as “Surface” drier for waterborne resins. Recommended starting point concentration is 0.10-0.15% metal/binder.

UNINOX Ca 06WD is a water dispersible metal carboxylate containing 6% of calcium metal. It acts as an auxiliary drier for water-reducible alkyd coatings and is responsible for crosslinking these polymers. It also functions as an economical pigment-wetting agent and loss-of-dry inhibitor. Recommended starting point concentration is 0.2% metal/binder.

UNINOX Zr 12WD is a water diluteable metal carboxylate containing 12% of zirconium metal. UNINOX Zr 12 WD is an auxiliary drier for water-diluteable alkyd coatings and is responsible for crosslinking these polymers. Recommended starting point concentration is 0.3% metal/binder.


PAU TAI offers a wide range of Combination Driers based on our Innovative Technology on Metal Carboxylate and extensive experience while working with Formulators of our reputed customers (MNC and Local). We can tailor make any combination as per customers specification and requirements.


Today Pau Tai developed the following Lubricant Additives for Lubricant Oils and Greases.
  • UNINOX Pb 30 LUBE------------EP additives.
• UNINOX Zn 14.5LUBE----------Antiwear Agent and Rust Inhibitor
• UNINOX Zn 10 LUBE ---------- Antiwear Agent and Rust Inhibitor
• UNINOX Zn 22-------------- ------Antiwear Agent and Rust Inhibitor


Liquid Barium/Cadmium/Zinc UNISTAB grade PVC stabilizers widely used in the processing of semi-rigid and flexible PVC by calendering, extrusion, injection moulding and plastisol applications. Provide very good early color, long term heat stability, high clarity and low plate out.
UNISTAB 251- General purpose, Excellent heat and light stability, Non plate out and self lubricating effect. It can be used in semi-rigid and flexible transparent and pigmented formulations.
UNISTAB 255-Cost effective, Medium efficiency, excellent long term stability and good transparency. Well suited for calendering and extrusion formulations.
UNISTAB 263-High efficiency, Excellent initial color and color hold and high clarity. Well suited for calendering and extrusion formulations.

Liquid Barium/Zinc UNISTAB grade PVC stabilizers with self lubricating widely used in the processing of plasticized PVC by Calendering, Extrusion and Injection Moulding. They have proved successful replacements for Cadmium containing stabilizers in all semi-rigid and flexible PVC applications.
UNISTAB 117: Excellent General purpose stabilizers provide a very good balance of initial color and long term heat stability. Can be used in semi-rigid and flexible transparent and pigmented formulations.
UNISTAB 118- Medium efficiency, cost effective, excellent long term heat stability and imparts excellent early color. Designed for applications of Calendering, Extrusion of PVC formulations, both clear, filled and white pigmented.
UNISTAB 120- High efficiency, volatile solvent free, low ordour, excellent heat and light stability, excellent clarity. Well suited for Calendering and extrusion applications.

Liquid UNISTAB grade Calcium/Zinc stabilizers designed a new generation non toxic PVC stabilizers to replace Barium-Zinc type stabilizers. They are now widely used in the extrusion, calendering and rotomoulding applications of flexible PVC and plastisol.
UNISTAB 360-Medium efficiency, excellent color hold and long term heat stability. It is developed for use in extrusion, rotational casting and calendaring.
UNISTAB 361- High efficiency, non toxic, low ordour, excellent long term heat stability, color hold with very good transparency. It is developed for use in PVC for toy application, food contact packaging, medical tubing and non toxic plastisol applications.
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